One-to-one Tutoring


Tutor Orientation

Our One-to-One Tutoring Program is the main activity  of Trent Valley Literacy Association. Here are a few points about what is involved in the One-to-One Tutoring Program:

The first step involves a client contacting TVLA to setup an intake appointment. The client may do this in person at 825 Chemong Road, or on the phone at 705-749-0777 to set up their first appointment

A learning plan is prepared, with a student centered focus about what the long term goals are and how they will be achieved; the learners have the final word on what they want to do and how.

  • Program staff will match and support students with tutors.
  • Literacy One-to-One Tutoring is available for adults 19 years of age or older.
  • Trained, volunteer tutors will help the learners with basic reading, writing, and math.
  • Instruction is confidential with one-to-one tutoring.
  • Lessons occur once or twice (or possibly even more) a week at the convenience of the tutor and learner.
  • A computer lab is available for tutors and learners to use for working on their assignments.

If you are interested in participating in any of these programs please contact us.

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